Digital Preservation

Safe LTA (Long Term Archiving)

Our solution

Safe LTA is a long-term digital preservation system to archive documents with legal value: you can allow your users to digitally archive signed contracts, agreements and every kind of document that needs to be preserved during time.

Safe LTA guarantees indeed integrity, authenticity, readability and availability to your stored digital documents; it is a suitable solution for many industries.

Main features

Web interface

Provides a web user interface to perform various functionalities

Search documents

Advanced search about documents and archived packages

Download resources

Download of document and metadata, as well as download of the DIP as ZIP archive


Designed in compliance with eIDAS and GDPR Regulations and based on CEF and E-ARK specifications

Benefits for your application


Archive securely every kind of document with InfoCert’s guarantee


Our solution is suitable for many different industries such as manufacturing, insurances, utilities and many more

Save money

No more space and time consuming physical archives

Archive management

Thanks to its easy-to-use system Safe LTA allows better control on archived documents


PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies

OAIS, ISO 14721

Open Archival Information System

ISO 16363

Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Repositories

Fill the form to request information

Furthermore, for the purposes referred to in paragraph 4, letter e), f) and g) of the information notice:

  1. I agree to the processing of Data in relation to the sending by the Data Controller of commercial and/or promotional communications relating to own products/services of any kinds or products/services of other companies
  2. I agree to the communication or transfer of Data to other companies who will use them for their own commercial and / or promotional purposes as autonomous Data Controller