Our solution
Legalmail API is our scalable RESTful API ready-made for the upcoming Registered Electronic Mail (REM) standard, an interoperability model that will be adopted in EU countries for digital communications with legal value.
Use REM-ready endpoints to be future-proof: your application code won’t need any change for the transition to REM
Main features
Certified e-mails
Send and receive certified e-mails and attachments with full legal value
Status reports
Keep track of every message and its lifecycle (receipts reconciliation)
Multiple dispatch
Dispatch a single communication to multiple recipients
Manage messages
Manage certified email messages without the need to handle the raw email messages (MIME format)
Benefits for your application
A system that offers more security features and transmission certification than standard e-mail
Legal proof
Certainty of the delivery and content integrity
EU Interoperability
Already eIDAS compliant Qualified Electronic Registered Delivery Service