Certified Communication


Our solution

Legalmail API is our scalable RESTful API ready-made for the upcoming Registered Electronic Mail (REM) standard, an interoperability model that will be adopted in EU countries for digital communications with legal value.

Use REM-ready endpoints to be future-proof: your application code won’t need any change for the transition to REM

Main features

Certified e-mails

Send and receive certified e-mails and attachments with full legal value

Status reports

Keep track of every message and its lifecycle (receipts reconciliation)

Multiple dispatch

Dispatch a single communication to multiple recipients

Manage messages

Manage certified email messages without the need to handle the raw email messages (MIME format)

Benefits for your application


A system that offers more security features and transmission certification than standard e-mail

Legal proof

Certainty of the delivery and content integrity

EU Interoperability

Already eIDAS compliant Qualified Electronic Registered Delivery Service

Fill the form to request information

Furthermore, for the purposes referred to in paragraph 4, letter e), f) and g) of the information notice:

  1. I agree to the processing of Data in relation to the sending by the Data Controller of commercial and/or promotional communications relating to own products/services of any kinds or products/services of other companies
  2. I agree to the communication or transfer of Data to other companies who will use them for their own commercial and / or promotional purposes as autonomous Data Controller