Identity & Onboarding

TOP – Trusted Onboarding Platform

Our solution

TOP is a modular platform comprising solution building blocks ready to be configured within the framework according to customer’s requirements.

These components are coherently set in a unique technological framework, a consistent data model, a complete auditing of all compliance related events, and a single set of APIs to guarantee an effective adoption path in every business environment.

Main features

Engagement block

Integrated platform for managing online interaction channels

Identification block

Identity operations on ID documents, pictures or video call, automatic and real-time verification of the validity with multiple identity assertion options

E-signature block

Enroll different types of certificates, well-defined ownership of the system for signature processes with both QES and AES

Services block

Automated document composition, registered electronic delivery service for signed documents and long term preservation

Benefits for your application

Higher productivity

Speed up your customer onboarding and contract subscription

Modular solution

TOP ensures a digital multichannel approach that abilitate one or more flexible paperless processes

Economic impact

Higher ROI and fraud detection rate, with an increase in signed customers, comparing with traditional face-to-face identification


A 100% digital onboarding helps reducing carbon footprints, avoiding paper usage and frictional mobility

Fill the form to request information

Furthermore, for the purposes referred to in paragraph 4, letter e), f) and g) of the information notice:

  1. I agree to the processing of Data in relation to the sending by the Data Controller of commercial and/or promotional communications relating to own products/services of any kinds or products/services of other companies
  2. I agree to the communication or transfer of Data to other companies who will use them for their own commercial and / or promotional purposes as autonomous Data Controller