Signature Solutions

Signature Validation

Our solution

Signature Validation is the API service that allows to verify electronic, advanced or qualified signature, in accordance with the eIDAS Regulamentation and ESI legislative specifications.

The use of our validation APIs allows you to obtain information on the e-signatures and time stamps, their legal validity and syntactic and semantic aspects of the certificates (encryption, validity, issuing Certification Authority…)

Main features

Check all formats

Allows to check all files and signatures formats (PDF, P7M, XML, JSON, etc.)

Validate without sharing

Can validate the signature only with the hash of the file, without sharing the full document

Set of validation constraints

Validation is done against a signature validation policy, consisting of a set of validation constraints

Status report

Provides a status indication and validation report with the details of the technical validation

Benefits for your application


Verify the signer and the document integrity in your digital processes


Easily and intuitively verify signatures and time-stamps


Validation process in accordance with the eIDAS and ESI legislative specifications


Our service optionally allows to download the original files and the Official ETSI Report compliant to ETSI specifications TS 119 102-2

Fill the form to request information

Furthermore, for the purposes referred to in paragraph 4, letter e), f) and g) of the information notice:

  1. I agree to the processing of Data in relation to the sending by the Data Controller of commercial and/or promotional communications relating to own products/services of any kinds or products/services of other companies
  2. I agree to the communication or transfer of Data to other companies who will use them for their own commercial and / or promotional purposes as autonomous Data Controller